Self Employed
Freelancer? Independent contractor? Just a side gig? No matter how you define your work, we’ve got you covered. If you received a 1099-NEC, 1099-MISC or 1099-K, you’re in the right place. We help you uncover each tax advantage you deserve.
Pay only when you file
Our products are easy to use and guarantee accuracy
Maximize your business deductions
Take advantage of certain deductions most commonly claimed by other filers like you.
Plan better with year-round support
Stay on top of your business taxes and quarterly taxes with support from TaxAct Self-Employed.
Real-time refund status
See how your entries impact your refund or amount due in real-time. Your refund amount updates as you prepare your return, so you can always see that you're getting your guaranteed maximum refund.*
Step-by-step guidance for your maximum refund
Your return is guaranteed 100% accurate,* and you'll get your maximum refund the fastest way possible with e-file.
All the support you need
Never get stumped by a tax question. Search for the fastest answers in the Answer Center, or contact us for account and technical support when you need it.
Perfect for your unique situation
Easily report income, expenses, depreciation, and more. Whether you're a small business owner, sole proprietor, or freelancer, TaxAct Self-Employed has everything you need to file fast.
Multiple import options to save time
Transfer vital personal data from last year's tax return, including information required for IRS e-file. Plus, minimize errors by importing charitable donations, W-2s, and more.
Security is a top priority
We utilize security technology and monitoring processes, and we partner with the IRS to protect your personal information.
TaxAct Alerts
Steer clear of problems. TaxAct Alerts meticulously inspects your return for errors, omissions, and valuable tax-saving opportunities you may have missed.
Free e-file for fast, accurate return filing and confirmation
E-file for free and get a notification via email or text as soon as the state has processed your return.
TaxAct® Xpert Assist
Add assistance from our live tax experts. They’ll give you helpful tax advice in a moment of need — and they can help you do a quick review before you file.
Select list of Federal and State tax forms supported
Basic | Deluxe | Premier | Self Employed | Sole Proprietor | ||
Form 1040 | U.S. Individual Income Tax Return | |||||
Form 1040ES | Estimated Tax Vouchers | |||||
Form 1040ESNR | Estimated Tax Vouchers For Nonresident Alien Individuals | |||||
Form 1040NR | U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return | |||||
Form 1040SS | U.S. Self Employment Tax Return | |||||
Form 1040V | Payment Voucher | |||||
Form 1040X | Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return | |||||
Form 1045 | Application for Tentative Refund | |||||
Form 1116 | Foreign Tax Credit | |||||
Form 1116AMT | Foreign Tax Credit for AMT | |||||
Form 1127 | Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship | |||||
Form 1310 | Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer | |||||
Form 14039 | Identity Theft Affidavit | |||||
Form 2106 | Employee Business Expenses | |||||
Form 2120 | Multiple Support Declaration | |||||
Form 2210 | Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals Estates and Trusts | |||||
Form 2210F | Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Farmers and Fishermen | |||||
Form 2441 | Child and Dependent Care Expenses | |||||
Form 2555 | Foreign Earned Income | |||||
Form 3115 | Application for Change in Accounting Method | |||||
Form 3468 | Investment Credit | |||||
Form 3800 | General Business Credit | |||||
Form 3903 | Moving Expenses | |||||
Form 4136 | Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels | |||||
Form 4137 | Tax on Unreported Tip Income | |||||
Form 4562 | Depreciation and Amortization | |||||
Form 4563 | Exclusion of Income for Bona Fide Residents of American Samoa | |||||
Form 461 | Limitation on Business Losses | |||||
Form 4684 | Casualties and Thefts | |||||
Form 4797 | Sales of Business Property | |||||
Form 4835 | Farm Rental Income and Expenses | |||||
Form 4852 | Substitute for Form W2 and 1099R | |||||
Form 4868 | Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File | |||||
Form 4952 | Investment Interest Expense | |||||
Form 4972 | Tax on Lump Sum Distributions | |||||
Form 5074 | Allocation of Individual Income Tax to Guam or the CNMI | |||||
Form 5329 (Spouse) | Additional Taxes on Qualified Retirement Plans | |||||
Form 5329 (Taxpayer) | Additional Taxes on Qualified Retirement Plans | |||||
Form 5405 | Repayment of the First Time Homebuyer Credit | |||||
Form 5471 | Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Corporations | |||||
Form 5695 | Residential Energy Credits | |||||
Form 5884 | Credit for Affected Disaster Area Employers | |||||
Form 5884A | Work Opportunity Credit | |||||
Form 6198 | At Risk Limitations | |||||
Form 6251 | Alternative Minimum Tax | |||||
Form 6252 | Installment Sale Income | |||||
Form 6478 | Biofuel Producers Credit | |||||
Form 6765 | Credit for Increasing Research Activities | |||||
Form 6781 | Gains and Losses From Section 1256 Contracts and Straddles | |||||
Form 8283 | Noncash Charitable Contributions | |||||
Form 8332 | Release Revocation of Release of Claim to Exemption | |||||
Form 8379 | Injured Spouse Allocation | |||||
Form 8396 | Mortgage Interest Credit | |||||
Form 8453 | Tax Transmittal for EFile | |||||
Form 8582 | Passive Activity Loss Limitations | |||||
Form 8582CR | Passive Activity Credit Limitations | |||||
Form 8586 | Low Income Housing Credit | |||||
Form 8594 | Asset Acquisition Statement Under Section 1060 | |||||
Form 8606 (Spouse) | Nondeductible IRAs | |||||
Form 8606 (Taxpayer) | Nondeductible IRAs | |||||
Form 8606WS (Spouse) | Inherited Nondeductible IRAs | |||||
Form 8606WS (Taxpayer) | Inherited Nondeductible IRAs | |||||
Form 8609 | Low Income Housing Credit Allocation and Certification | |||||
Form 8609A | Annual Statement for Low Income Housing Credit | |||||
Form 8615 | Tax For Certain Children Who Have Unearned Income | |||||
Form 8621 | Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund | |||||
Form 8689 | Allocation of Individual Income Tax to the U.S. Virgin Islands | |||||
Form 8801 | Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax | |||||
Form 8814 | Parents Election to Report Childs Interest and Dividends | |||||
Form 8815 | Exclusion of Interest From Series EE & I U.S. Savings Bonds Issued After 1989 | |||||
Form 8820 | Orphan Drug Credit | |||||
Form 8822 | Change of Address | |||||
Form 8824 | Like Kind Exchanges | |||||
Form 8826 | Disabled Access Credit | |||||
Form 8828 | Recapture of Federal Mortgage Subsidy | |||||
Form 8829 | Expenses for Business Use of Your Home | |||||
Form 8833 | Treaty Based Return Position Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701(b) | |||||
Form 8835 | Renewable Electricity Refined Coal and Indian Coal Production Credit | |||||
Form 8839 | Qualified Adoption Expenses | |||||
Form 8840 | Closer Connection Exception Statement for Aliens | |||||
Form 8843 | Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition | |||||
Form 8844 | Empowerment Zone Employment Credit | |||||
Form 8845 | Indian Employment Credit | |||||
Form 8846 | Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips | |||||
Form 8853 | Archer MSAs and LTC Insurance Contracts | |||||
Form 8862 | Information to Claim EIC After Disallowance | |||||
Form 8863 | Education Credits | |||||
Form 8864 | Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit | |||||
Form 8867 | Paid Preparers Due Diligence Checklist | |||||
Form 8874 | New Markets Credit | |||||
Form 8880 | Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions | |||||
Form 8881 | Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs | |||||
Form 8882 | Credit for Employer Provided Childcare Facilities and Services | |||||
Form 8885 (Spouse) | Health Coverage Tax Credit | |||||
Form 8885 (Taxpayer) | Health Coverage Tax Credit | |||||
Form 8886 | Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement | |||||
Form 8888 | Allocation of Refund (Including Bond Purchases) | |||||
Form 8889 (Spouse) | Health Savings Accounts | |||||
Form 8889 (Taxpayer) | Health Savings Accounts | |||||
Form 8896 | Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit | |||||
Form 8900 | Qualified Railroad Track Maintenance Credit | |||||
Form 8906 | Distilled Spirits Credit | |||||
Form 8908 | Energy Efficient Home Credit | |||||
Form 8910 | Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit | |||||
Form 8911 | Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit | |||||
Form 8915C (Spouse) | Qualified 2018 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments | |||||
Form 8915C (Taxpayer) | Qualified 2018 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments | |||||
Form 8915D (Spouse) | Qualified 2019 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments | |||||
Form 8915D (Taxpayer) | Qualified 2019 Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments | |||||
Form 8915F (Spouse) | Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments | |||||
Form 8915F (Taxpayer) | Qualified Disaster Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments | |||||
Form 8919 (Spouse) | Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages | |||||
Form 8919 (Taxpayer) | Uncollected Social Security and Medicare Tax on Wages | |||||
Form 8923 | Mine Rescue Team Training Credit | |||||
Form 8932 | Credit for Employer Differential Wage Payments | |||||
Form 8936 | Clean Vehicle Credits | |||||
Form 8938 | Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets | |||||
Form 8941 | Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums | |||||
Form 8948 | Preparer Explanation for Not Filing Electronically | |||||
Form 8949 | Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets | |||||
Form 8958 | Allocation of Tax Amounts Between Certain Individuals in Community Property States | |||||
Form 8959 | Additional Medicare Tax | |||||
Form 8960 | Net Investment Income Tax | |||||
Form 8962 | Premium Tax Credit (PTC) | |||||
Form 8990 | Limitation on Business Interest Expense Under Section 163(j) | |||||
Form 8995 | Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified Computation | |||||
Form 8995A | Qualified Business Income Deduction | |||||
Form 8997 | Initial and Annual Statement of Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) Investments | |||||
Form 9465 | Installment Agreement Request | |||||
Form 965A | Individual Report of Net 965 Tax Liability | |||||
Form 982 | Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness | |||||
Form W4 | Employees Withholding Allowance Certificate | |||||
Form W4P | Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments | |||||
Form W4R | Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments | |||||
Form W7 | Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number | |||||
Schedule 8812 | Credits for Qualifying Children and Other Dependents | |||||
Schedule A (Form 1040) | Itemized Deductions | |||||
Schedule A (Form 1040NR) | Itemized Deductions | |||||
Schedule B | Interest and Ordinary Dividends | |||||
Schedule C | Profit or Loss From Business | |||||
Schedule C | Profit or Loss From Business For Statutory Employees | |||||
Schedule D | Capital Gains and Losses | |||||
Schedule E | Supplemental Income and Loss | |||||
Schedule EIC | Earned Income Credit | |||||
Schedule F | Profit or Loss From Farming | |||||
Schedule H | Household Employment Taxes | |||||
Schedule J | Income Averaging for Farmers and Fishermen | |||||
Schedule LEP | Limited English Proficiency | |||||
Schedule NEC (Form 1040NR) | Tax on Income Not Effectively Connected With a U.S. Trade or Business | |||||
Schedule OI (Form 1040NR) | Other Information | |||||
Schedule R | Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled | |||||
Schedule SE (Spouse) | Self Employment Tax | |||||
Schedule SE (Taxpayer) | Self Employment Tax | |||||
Form 8936 Schedule A | Clean Vehicle Credit Amount |
State | ||
Form 2210AL | Estimated Tax Penalties for Individuals | Alabama |
Form 2210AL Schedule AI | Annualized Income Installment Method | Alabama |
Form 40 | Alabama Individual Income Tax Return | Alabama |
Form 40ES | Estimated Tax | Alabama |
Form 40NR | Alabama Nonresident Individual Income Tax Return | Alabama |
Form 40V | Tax Payment Voucher | Alabama |
Form 4952A | Investment Interest Expense | Alabama |
Form AL8453 | Declaration for Electronic Filing | Alabama |
Form NOL 85 | Computation of Net Operating Loss | Alabama |
Form NOL 85A | Net Operating Loss Carryback or Carryforward | Alabama |
Schedule A B & DC | Itemized Deductions and Interest & Dividends Income | Alabama |
Schedule A B D & E | Nonresident Itemized Deductions and Interest & Dividends Income | Alabama |
Schedule AAC | Alabama Adoption Tax Credit | Alabama |
Schedule AATC | Alabama Accountability Tax Credit | Alabama |
Schedule ATP | Additional Taxes and Penalties | Alabama |
Schedule CP | Composite Payments | Alabama |
Schedule CR | Credit For Taxes Paid To Other States | Alabama |
Schedule D & E | Net Profit or Loss and Supplemental Income Loss | Alabama |
Schedule DS & HOF | Dependents Schedule & Head of Family Schedule | Alabama |
Schedule HBC | First Time Second Chance Home Buyer Deduction | Alabama |
Schedule KRCCI | Recipients Share of Capital Credit | Alabama |
Schedule OC | Other Available Credits | Alabama |
Windows Versions 10 or higher
Chrome Latest Version
Firefox Latest Version
Microsoft Edge (Windows 10 & 11)
Microsoft no longer provides security updates or support for PCs running Windows 8.1. For the best experience and security of your data, you will need to update your system to Windows 10 or 11.
Mac OS Versions 10.15 or higher
Chrome Latest Version
Firefox Latest Version
Safari 13.0 or higher
Applies to online products only, download products are not available for Mac OS.
TaxAct Costs Less: “File for less” and percentage savings claims based on comparison with TurboTax federal pricing for paid consumer online 1040 filing products on 12/30/2024.
Maximum Refund Guarantee: We guarantee you’ll get your maximum tax refund if you use one of TaxAct’s individual 1040 products to e-file your return. If you are a registered user of TaxAct’s individual 1040 products and you receive a larger refund amount or pay a smaller tax due amount on your federal and/or state tax return using an online tax preparation software other than the TaxAct software, then we will refund to you the applicable federal and/or state purchase price paid by you for the TaxAct software. All other fees are excluded. Read more about our Maximum Refund Guarantee.
$100k Accuracy Guarantee: We guarantee our software is 100% accurate and will calculate your maximum refund under applicable law. If an error in our software results in you ultimately receiving a smaller refund or larger tax liability than you receive using the same data with another tax preparation product, we will: (1) refund the applicable software fees you paid us, (2) pay you the difference in the tax refund or liability, (3) cover any penalties and interest levied against you and (4) any reasonably documented legal and audit costs you incur. In no event will our total, cumulative obligation under (1)-(4) above to any customer under this guarantee exceed $100,000. This guarantee only extends to returns that are e-filed by taxpayers preparing their own tax returns using our Consumer 1040 products. Read more about our Maximum Refund Guarantee.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Applies to TaxAct Online products only. If you are a registered user using the Services online and are dissatisfied with the Services prior to completing the billing steps within the program, your exclusive remedy is to immediately discontinue using the Services. If you are a registered user who completed the billing steps and have not printed or e-filed or your e-file was rejected by the IRS or State and you cannot re-file, it is your responsibility to contact us within the calendar year of the purchase to request a refund of fee(s) paid.
Xpert Assist Suite of Offerings: Tax Experts are available with TaxAct® Xpert Assist®, which encompasses a suite of services designed to provide varying levels of support and assistance for your tax filing needs. These services are available at an additional cost and are subject to limitations and restrictions. Service availability, features, and pricing may vary and are subject to change without notice. For more details, visit TaxAct Xpert Assist Terms.
Start Free and File Free: The TaxAct Online Free Edition makes free federal filing available for those who qualify based on income and deductions. See if you qualify for free federal filing and what is included in this year’s Free Edition. For all other online products, you can start free and pay when you file. This means you will not be charged if you decide to stop using any product prior to printing or e-filing your return.
Edition Pricing: Actual prices are determined at the time of payment, print, or e-file and are subject to change without notice. Add sales tax for applicable orders. Offers may end at any time and promotional offers may not be combined.
Exceptional Customer Care: Customer care does not include tax advice.
All-Inclusive Bundle: Percent savings based on TaxAct a la carte pricing when you qualify for Refund Transfer. All-inclusive is a collection of select products and services that may be used to enhance your DIY 1040 tax preparation and filing experience. Additional state(s) returns are not included. In order to use Refund Transfer, you must qualify and choose to pay for your bundle using Refund Transfer. Offer may not be combined with other offers.
Audit Defense: See Audit Defense provided by Tax Protection Plus (PDF) for further details of services and requirements. May not apply to certain forms and credits. Certain customers may not qualify for services based on past tax audit history, residency, or other factors. Audit Defense is not insurance. Audit Defense is subject to terms and conditions (PDF) located on Tax Protection Plus's website.
Partners: TaxAct gets fees from some third parties that provide offers to its customers. This compensation may affect what and how we communicate their services to you. TaxAct is not a party to any transactions you may choose to enter into with these third parties.
Real People. Real Reviews.: All reviews are from verified TaxAct customers. Reviews are managed by Bazaarvoice and comply with the Bazaarvoice Authenticity Policy. Cumulative star rating is for all TaxAct products.
Refund Transfer: Refund Transfers are fee-based products offered by Republic Bank & Trust Company, Member FDIC. A Refund Transfer Fee and all other authorized amounts will be deducted from the taxpayer’s tax refund.
Refer-A-Friend: Offer valid through October 31, 2025. For each friend you refer to TaxAct who did not prepare and file using us last year, you get a $20 Amazon.com Gift Card after they file their taxes using TaxAct’s 2024 Deluxe, Premier or Self-Employed product. Even better, they get 20% off our federal tax filing products by using the share link you receive from us. The total maximum reward payout per calendar year you may receive is $599.
Amazon.com is not a sponsor of this promotion. Except as required by law, Amazon.com Gift Cards ("GCs") cannot be transferred for value or redeemed for cash. GCs may be used only for purchases of eligible goods at Amazon.com or certain of its affiliated websites. For complete terms and conditions, see Amazon.com Gift Card Terms and Conditions. GCs are issued by ACI Gift Cards, Inc., a Washington corporation. All Amazon ®, TM & © are IP of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. No expiration date or service fees.
This offer is for TaxAct’s consumer federal, online 1040 returns and is subject to specific terms and conditions. See terms and conditions for more information. Offer is subject to change.
E-File Concierge: TaxAct E-File Concierge service provides phone calls and related support regarding federal e-file status changes using the phone number provided in My Account. Service is subject to availability and limited to federal e-filed tax returns.
Most Popular: TaxAct Deluxe is our most popular product among our online customers with more complex tax situations.
Over 105 Million Returns Filed: Based on e-filed federal returns through TaxAct Consumer and TaxAct Professional software since 2000.
Refund Amounts Shown: Actual refund amounts vary based on your tax situation. Number shown in illustrations are based on IRS published data stating that average 2023 tax refunds were more than $2812. See IRS article for more information.
Trademarks: All trademarks not owned by TaxAct, Inc. that appear on this website are the property of their respective owners, who are not affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by or of TaxAct, Inc. TurboTax is a registered trademark of Intuit, Inc. H&R Block is a registered trademark of HRB Innovations, Inc.