Adding dependents to your tax return in TaxAct
Many tax calculations are determined by the number of dependents listed on a return. You can add dependents to your tax return on TaxAct.

To add dependents to your tax return in TaxAct:
  1. Sign in to your TaxAct account, then click the My Tax Returns tile.
  2. Locate the relevant return, then click Open Return in the Actions column for that return.
  3. In the left navigation bar, click Federal.
  4. In the Federal Quick Q&A Topics panel, click Basic Information > Dependents and other qualifying persons.
  5. On the Confirm your dependent(s) screen:
    • Click + Add a Dependent to create a listing for a new dependent on your tax return.
    • Click Edit next to an existing dependent's name to make changes to their listing.
  6. Add or edit the following information for your dependent:
    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • Social Security number
    • Citizenship status
    • Relationship to you
    • Whether they lived with you for the whole year
    • Whether they were disabled or unable to work
    • Whether you don't wish to claim them as a dependent on your return
  7. Click Continue.