Checking E-File Status for Client Returns

Quickly check the Federal E-filing status:

  1. From within your TaxAct Professional Edition program, click Clients in the options bar to view the Client Manager screen (if it is not already visible).
  2. Look at the Fed EF Status column for your client to quickly see their federal e-filing status.

Check the complete e-file status in the TaxAct program:

  1. From within your TaxAct Professional Edition program, click Clients in the options bar to view the Client Manager screen (if it is not already visible).
  2. Click Professional Reports to view the Professional Reports screen.
  3. Click the Refresh Professional Reports icon to refresh the latest information.

Check the complete e-file status on the TaxAct website:

  1. Sign in to your TaxAct online account.
  2. Click Professional Reports to view the latest information.

If you can't find your client's e-filing status:

  1. Verify that their information is accurate in the return (if any information needs to be changed, you need to e-file again):
    • Primary taxpayer's social security number (SSN)
    • Primary taxpayer's last name
    • Zip code
  2. Verify that you successfully completed the e-filing process:
    • You may have progressed as far as printing but have not actually submitted the return electronically.
    • You may have unknowingly selected to paper file the return instead of electronically filing.
    • You may have clicked Submit Later instead of Submit.

If it's been more than 24 hours, you haven't received an e-mail confirmation, and you can't find your client e-filing status, the return was not successfully e-filed. You need to e-file again.