Reporting your occupation on your tax return in TaxAct

The IRS does not actually provide any instructions for what to enter as your occupation on your federal tax return (this appears at the bottom of the return to the right of the signature lines).

Enter what best reflects your current occupation. Common entries are: Student, Laborer, Factory Work, Owner-Operator, Self Employed, Homemaker, Unemployed, Retired, etc.

What you enter as your occupation will not affect the calculations in your return in any way.

To enter or modify either the taxpayer's occupation or spouse's occupation in your TaxAct return:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click on the Federal tab. On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner, then select Federal
  2. Click Basic Information to expand the category and then click Name and Address
  3. The first screen will be for the taxpayer's information, and if you click Continue you will reach the screen where the spouse's information can be entered