Minnesota - Renter's Credit - Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP)

Starting with 2024, the Minnesota Renter's Credit is claimed by filing Schedule M1RENT with Form M1 (instead of on Form M1PR). If you are eligible to claim the Minnesota Renter's Credit, you must attach a copy of the Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) provided by your landlord.

Your landlord is required to provide you with a CRP by February 1. If your landlord does not provide a CRP by February 1, request a Rent Paid Affidavit (RPA) by calling (651) 296-3781, 1(800) 652-9094, or emailing individual.incometax@state.mn.us

Learn more about the MN Renter's Credit from the MN DOR.

To fill out the Certificate of Rent Paid information in the TaxAct program:

  1. Sign in to your TaxAct account, then click the My Tax Returns tile.
  2. Locate the relevant return, then click Open Return in the Actions column for that return.
  3. In the left navigation bar, click State > Minnesota.
  4. On the Minnesota Quick Q&A Topics screen, click Renter's Credit or Property Tax Refund > Certificate of rent paid.
  5. On the Rent Paid - Certificate of Rent Paid screen, either:
    • Click + Add to create a new form.
    • Click Edit next to the existing form.
  6. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: Rental Address screen, enter the address of your rented property, then click Continue.
  7. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: ECN screen, locate the Electronic Certificate Number from your CRP form, enter it into the ECN field, then click Continue. If there is no ECN listed, leave this blank.
  8. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: Managing Agent's Name screen, enter the name and phone number of the renting agent, then click Continue.
  9. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: Owner's Name, enter the name of the business or person who owns your rental property, then click Continue.
  10. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: Owner's Contact Information screen, enter the owner's address and phone number, then click Continue.
  11. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: Property ID Number screen, enter the relevant information into all fields, then click Continue.
  12. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: Rental Date screen, enter the Rented from and Rented to dates, then click Continue. The rental period must not exceed one year.
  13. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid screen, check any relevant boxes, then click Continue.
  14. On the Minnesota - Certificate of Rent Paid: Rent Paid screen, enter the Renter's share of rent paid and the Caretaker rent reduction amounts, then click Continue.
  • If you're filing electronically, the CRP information is submitted with the e-filed return. Keep the CRP you received from your landlord with your tax records.
  • If you're mailing a paper return, you'll need to attach a copy of your CRPs with Form M1, Schedule M1REF, and Schedule M1RENT.