Verification Code - How is It Used?

To protect your tax information, you will be asked to verify your identity with a verification code each time you sign in to your TaxAct Account. If we have a valid phone number associated with your account, you will receive this code via text message to that phone number. It may take a moment for the code to arrive.


  • If your email or mobile phone number changed, go to our Update Email Address or Mobile Phone Number FAQ if you need help updating that info.
  • If you are not receiving the code via text message, you may click the Update Mobile link. A code will be sent to your email to verify your identity, and then you will be able to update the phone number for your account.
  • Verification codes are valid for a limited amount of time. If your code expires, go to our Need A Verification Code or No Longer Have Access to Email Account FAQ if you need help requesting a new code.
  • The full ten digit phone number must be entered and must be a domestic number.
  • Ensure the phone can receive text messages.

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