If you’re seeing multiple charges from TaxAct, it’s likely due to one of the following reasons:
Possible Reasons for Multiple Charges:
Separate Charges for Federal and State Returns
TaxAct may charge separately for filing federal and state returns. Since these payments go to different entities, they appear as distinct charges on your statement.
Filing a New Return After Rejection
If your e-file submission was rejected, and you decided to file a new return, you may have been charged again.
Editing SSN or EIN After Rejection
If your e-file was rejected and you then edited your Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN), TaxAct sees this as a new taxpayer identity, leading to a new charge.
What to Do If You Were Wrongfully Charged
Review your TaxAct account to check the status of your filings.
If none of these explanations apply, contact TaxAct's Service & Support team for assistance.