Hawaii - Tax ID
If you meet one of the following conditions, you'll need to include your Hawaii Tax Identification Number on your tax return:
  • You operate a business in Hawaii
  • You practice a profession as a sole proprietorship in Hawaii
  • You receive rental income from a property located in Hawaii
  • You operate a farm in Hawaii

You can use TaxAct to enter your Hawaii Tax ID Number.

Consult the Hawaii Department of Taxation to obtain your Hawaii Tax ID Number.

To enter your Hawaii Tax Identification Number on your TaxAct tax return:

  1. Sign in to your TaxAct account, then click the My Tax Returns tile.
  2. Locate the relevant return, then click Open Return in the Actions column for that return.
  3. In the left navigation bar, click State > Hawaii.
  4. On the Hawaii Quick Q&A Topics screen, click Miscellaneous Topics, then select the option that corresponds to whichever of these schedules you've already entered into your return:
    • Federal Schedule C Information
    • Federal Schedule E Information
    • Federal Schedule F Information
  5. In the Hawaii tax I.D. number field, enter the 12 digits that follow "GE" in your Hawaii Tax Identification Number.