Hawaii - Tax ID

If you are operating a business or practicing a profession as a sole proprietorship in Hawaii, received rental income from property located in Hawaii, or are operating a farm in Hawaii, you must enter your Hawaii Tax Identification Number for this activity. The Hawaii tax ID is entered on Hawaii Form N-11 is the "General Excise/Use and County Surcharge Tax (GE)" and is in the format of "GE-987-654-3210-01."

Use the Hawaii Tax Online search engine to find the latest Hawaii Tax ID numbers.

To enter the HI tax ID in TaxAct:

  1. From within your TaxAct return (Online or Desktop), click the State dropdown, then click Hawaii (on smaller devices, click in the top left corner of your screen, then click State, then click HI).
  2. Click the Miscellaneous Topics dropdown, then click Federal Schedule C Information, Federal Schedule E Information, or Federal Schedule F Information (these options won't appear unless you enter one of these schedules in the general Hawaii Q&A first).
  3. Click the data entry field below Hawaii tax I.D. number: GE- and type the ID.

Note that any link in the information above is updated each year automatically and will take you to the most recent version of the webpage or document at the time it is accessed.