Upgrading Your TaxAct Software

To upgrade to a different TaxAct product, follow the steps below (varies depending on whether you use the Online or Desktop program):


  1. Open your TaxAct return.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click View Upgrade Options.
  3. Locate the name of the TaxAct software you'd like to use, then click Upgrade.
  4. Follow the prompts to upgrade your TaxAct software.

You don't have to pay until you file.


  1. Open your TaxAct return.
  2. In the top menu, click Online, then Order Upgraded Program.
  3. Locate the name of the TaxAct software you'd like to use, then follow the prompts to upgrade your TaxAct software.
  4. After you place the order, you can download and install your new product. 

Related Links

Downloading and Installing TaxAct