eSignatures Frequently Asked Questions

TaxAct now offers Integrated eSignatures. Below are some Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the documents I can e-sign?

You may sign E-File Authorization forms for 1040, 1065, 1120S, and 1120 returns; states supported signature forms; and the bank application. In addition, you may upload PDF documents to sign.

How do I know which state support eSignature?

The following states support eSignature: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

What size and types of files are supported to attach eSignature requests?

Files must be a PDF or JPEG, with a 25MB per envelope size limit.

What is an envelope?

An envelope is a container which holds the documents to be signed, the places where signatures are required, and data on the signers and other recipients.

What types of verification does TaxAct Support?

TaxAct supports KBA verification.

What is KBA?

KBA stands for Knowledge Based Authentication, an authentication method in which the user provides answers to previously established “secret” questions to verify the user’s identity.

How many times can I go through KBA?

You may only go through KBA three (3) times.

How can I pay for an eSignature request?

You may pay as you go or prepurchase a eSignatures in bulk.

May I create digital signatures by using eSignature pads?


How is DocuSign handling tax professional information?

You can view DocuSign’s Privacy Policy here:

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