Rejection codes that refer to a mismatched name, birth date, or Social Security Number (SSN) indicate that information on Form 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return or in the filing steps doesn’t match the IRS e-file database.
IRS records are generated by the Social Security Administration, so all names, birth dates, and SSNs should match those on the individuals' Social Security cards.
Common errors include incorrect birthday or SSN for taxpayer or spouse on Form 1040 or in the filing steps; incorrect birthday or SSN for dependent on Form 1040, EIC Worksheet, Form 8812 Additional Child Tax Credit, Form 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses, Form 8863 Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits), or Form 8839 Qualified Adoption Expenses; or misspelled, truncated, abbreviated, or incorrectly hyphenated last name.
To correct an error:Once you’ve corrected the error, return to the filing section to transmit your corrected return. Your return will not be resubmitted until you click Submit. It’s your responsibility to check your e-file status.
You won’t be charged again as long as the primary taxpayer’s SSN has not been changed. If the SSN did change because of a typo, you’ll be required to pay for the service again. However, you can request a refund. To do that, contact Customer Service to request a refund.
If you’re unable to determine the error, contact your local Social Security Administration office or the main office at 1-800-772-1213 to verify the information listed in their files.