To view or download prior year returns:
Returns are archived on your TaxAct Account for seven (7) years after the tax year, and will be deleted on May 1st of the seventh year. (Example: 2018 returns will be deleted on 5/1/2025, 2019 returns will be deleted on 5/1/2026, and so on.)
TaxAct doesn’t archive returns on your TaxAct Account if the return was created in the TaxAct Desktop or TaxAct Professional Editions. Go to our Consumer Editions - Locating Return Files FAQ, or our Locating Return Files - Professional Editions FAQ to find prior year returns that you created in the TaxAct Desktop program.
If you can’t find a saved return file on your TaxAct Account online, or in your own files, go to our IRS - Obtain Copy of Tax Return FAQ.