Tax Year 2024 Checklist • 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
Tax Preparation Checklist to File Your Taxes
Completed |
Determine IRS tax exempt status and type | |
Employer Identification Number (EIN) as registered with the IRS. If you don’t have an EIN, apply online at | |
All amounts and dates for federal, state, and local estimated tax payments made | |
Statement of organization’s mission and primary exempt purpose | |
List of program service accomplishments |
Completed |
List of organizations current or former officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees, and current independent contractors | |
Reports for each person’s name, address and title | |
Reports detailing officers, directors, etc. compensation and benefits, and average hours per week devoted to the organization and related organizations |
Completed |
Statement of revenue and functional expenses | |
Balance sheet | |
Reconciliation of net assets | |
Reports detailing fundraising activities, fundraising events, and gaming | |
If a public charity, a list of supported and supporting organizations | |
Reports of contributions including name and address of contributor, and type and amount of contribution | |
Reports on grants and other assistance to organizations, governments and individuals | |
Reports on any tax-exempt bonds issued | |
Reports on related organizations and unrelated partnerships | |
Information regarding governing body and management, governance policies, and disclosure practices | |
Compiled, reviewed or audited financial statements | |
Information regarding any unrelated business income | |
Copy of all Form(s) 1099 and W-2 issued |
Completed |
Reports detailing all federal unemployment, Social Security, and Medicare tax paid (940 and 941) | |
Reports of state and local payroll tax paid |
Completed |
Prior year depreciation schedules detailing asset cost, date placed in service, prior depreciation, and business use percentage | |
Date of purchase, cost, trade-in allowance, and business use percentage for all assets acquired during the tax year | |
Date of purchase, cost, sales proceeds, trade-in allowance, expenses of the sale, and accumulated depreciation for all assets disposed of during the tax year | |
Mileage log for each owned or leased vehicle (business use and total use) | |
Reports for business use percentage and actual expenses for each owned vehicle (gas and maintenance costs) |