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Do you have clients counting down the days until their return comes in?

The Cash Advance¹ product allows you to capture more business by offering a loan to your clients that is secured by their tax refund.

Options to fit your practice

TaxAct® Professional has partnered with two different financial institutions for you to choose from.

Santa Barbara TPG Logo

With over 30 years of industry experience, Santa Barbara TPG offers more tools to grow your tax practice.

Enroll Now

Please note: SPA has closed for the TY24 season. You can still enroll for the Pay-by-Refund above.

Republic Bank Logo

Republic Bank has over 25 years of experience in the e-file industry and competitive program features you can pick from.

Enroll Now

Please note: SPA has closed for the TY24 season. You can still enroll for the Pay-by-Refund above.

Bank Products are offered by Republic Bank & Trust Company, Member FDIC and by Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC, (TPG), a Green Dot Company, through Civista Bank, Member FDIC.

¹ERO must be enrolled for Republic Bank’s Refund Transfer (also known as Pay-by-Refund) Program to offer the Easy Advance programs. Cost to ERO per approved Easy Advance, if any, will be deducted from ERO tax preparation fees and cannot be passed to the taxpayer. If a customer does not choose a Refund Transfer (also known as Pay-by-Refund), disbursement options are direct deposit or prepaid card. Net Refund refers to the taxpayer’s expected refund amount after deduction of all fees.

ERO must be enrolled for TPG’s Refund Transfer Program to offer the Fast Cash Advance program. Cost to ERO per approved Fast Cash Advance, if any, will be deducted from ERO tax preparation fees and cannot be passed to the taxpayer. If a customer does not choose a Refund Transfer, disbursement options are direct deposit or prepaid card. Net Refund refers to the taxpayer’s expected refund amount after deduction of all fees.  

TaxAct, Inc. gets fees from some third parties, including Republic Bank and Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, LLC (TPG), that provide offers to its customers. This compensation may affect what and how we communicate Republic Bank or Santa Barbara Tax Products Group offers to you. TaxAct is not a party to any transactions you may choose to enter into with Republic Bank or Santa Barbara Tax Products Group, does not itself offer legal, financial, or investment advice, and disclaims any liability arising out of such transactions.  Please see Republic Bank and Santa Barbara Tax Products Group’s websites for full terms and conditions.